5 Natural Home Remedies for Wrinkles and sagging skin

Wrinkles in your face and skin is an indication that it’s aging and you skin is finding extremely difficult to hold it tight.

Generally, ladies tend to spend a lot on cosmetics without even trying any of the natural remedies that are already available and at much cheaper rate.

There are various reasons why Wrinkles may appear on the skin. Some of the reasons include Medications, genetic factors, environmental factors, dehydration, smoking and sun damage. The reason can be more than what’s mentioned here as it has been seen that, at times anti-aging creams can also break your skin.

Having said that, when you take care of yourself holistically these problems tend to go away.

Holistic approach means, proper diet, exercise, sleep and applying the below remedies that helps to reduce wrinkles.

Let’s take a quick look at home remedies below.

Natural Home remedies for Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

1.) Coconut Oil and Turmeric

Coconut oil helps to keep your skin moisturized, heal wounds, reduce inflammation and contains Anti-microbial properties that helps to treat acne and protect skin from harmful bacteria.

Likewise, turmeric too contains anti-microbial properties and helps to keep the skin healthy due to its healing properties.

When we combine the two ingredients, it actually becomes a powerful tool to fight wrinkles and reverse skin damage.

Furthermore, Coconut oil helps to keep your skin hydrated and improves the skin elasticity (1).

To make this natural Ointment simply follow the below steps.

  • Take 25 ml Coconut Oil
  • A pinch of turmeric
  • Mix both the ingredients and apply it on your face.
  • Wash the face after an hour.

Follow this remedy for next 21 days to see visible results as it’s not an overnight thing. This treatment works by improving the overall skin quality and does not hide the symptoms which modern day treatment do.

2.) Papaya and Banana Mask

Bananas contain decent amount of Vitamin C and Anti-oxidant that helps to fight Blemishes and inconsistent skin tone. Furthermore, it helps to get rid of dullness and makes your skin more elastic.

Just like Bananas, papaya too contain tons of vitamins and anti-oxidants. What does the trick here is papain, an ezyme found in papaya. This enzyme helps to revitalize the skin fights premature aging (2).

To make this powerful natural wrinkle reversing ointment, follow the below steps.

  • Take half peeled banana
  • 50 grams papaya
  • 25 ml almond milk
  • Mash all the above ingredients together.
  • Apply it on face
  • Wash your face after an hour.

Doing this will hydrate your skin and restore the elasticity in less than a month.

3.) Yogurt Mask

Yogurts contains lactic acid and other important enzymes that helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin, by keeping it moisturized and providing the nourishment it needs.

Furthermore, it’s also cleanses the pores and diminishes the scar up to certain extent (3).

Yogurt when combined with some other ingredients below, becomes an excellent Face Mask to reverse the skin aging process.

To make this powerful Face mask you will need below ingredients.

  • 20 ml Yogurt
  • 1 Tsp Olive oil
  • A pinch of turmeric


  • Mix all the above Ingredients together and apply it on your face.
  • Wash your face after an hour.
  • It will leave your skin moisturized.

Do this for a month to see the visible results as you will have to take care of your skin on daily basis to restore its elasticity.

4.) Lemon Juice and Vitamin E mask

Lemons and vitamin E contain anti-oxidants that helps to soften the skin and diminish the permanent marks. Furthermore, Vitamin C in Lemon keeps the skin intact through its healing properties.

To make this natural ointment, simply follow the below steps.

  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice
  • One Vitamin E tablet
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil


  • Mix all the above ingredients together
  • Apply it on your face.
  • Wash you face after an hour.

Do this for at least 15 days to restore the damage and keep on continuing until the elasticity is restored.

5.) Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel helps to repair the skin damage caused due to external factors such as damage due to sun, Pollution and other environmental factors.

Aloe Vera Gel also helps you to get rid of old scars and uneven skin tone when applied regularly.

To make this gel you simply need to follow below steps.

  • Cut half the stem of Aloe Vera.
  • Peel it off and you will get the gel.
  • Mix this gel with Vitamin E tablets
  • Apply this gel twice a day to get rid of scars, wrinkles and sagginess.

All the above remedies are well known and proven to work, having said that you need to know that this is not an allopathy remedy that has instant reaction to anything you apply.

All the above remedies take the holistic path to treat the skin, thus it may take anywhere from 1 week to 1 or even longer to see the desired results.

I hope you have liked the home remedies for fighting wrinkles. Do you have an experience or remedies to share? Feel free to comment below.

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