Source: https://FatLossPlanner.ComIn this Article you will learn “How to use Herbalife for maximum weight loss?”
If are you still struggling to remove the extra fat from your body even after trying routine practices and healthy eating then this guide may suite you.
Herbalife life Products have been proven to fix up to 90% of these problems.
Herbalife products can also be used as snacks and delicious shakes so that they can be nutritious and tasty along with low calorie value.
Having said that, delicious shakes are not added to make it palatable alone, they contain vitamins and minerals that help to remove excess fat from your body.
You can use Herbalife shakes for maximum weight loss in any of the three methods below.
These methods include include:
- The quick start weight loss program
- The advanced weight loss program
- The ultimate weight loss program
We are going to look at each of these weight loss programs.
The quick start weight loss program
This is where you replace your meals with a Herbalife drink following 50/50 rule. What this eans is 50% of your meal should consist of Herbalife shake and 50% should be your regular low calorie meals that include fresh veggies and high fiber fruits.
Therefore, you can take Herbalife Formula 1 shake for lunch or dinner and remaining other meals has to be in form of fresh veggies and fruits.
If you are a beginner then start slow i.e. first replace the heaviest meal of the day with Herbalife shakes and keep the other light meals as it is.
If you get bored with one flavor you can keep 2 – 3 flavors in stock.
For complete list of Herbalife shake flavors click here.
Apart from Meal replacement shake it’s recommended to also consume Herbalife herbal tea. This is extremely important since it plays a key role in detoxification.
Therefore it’s recommended you replace your regular tea or coffee with Herbalife tea.
Herbalife tea has a lot of energy and also has cell activators. It is known to burn fat as well as assist the body to absorb multivitamins and nutrients much efficiently.
The advanced weight loss Plan
Under this approach, you consume herbal tea along with your regular Herbalife shake by following 70/30 rule. In this your diet consists of 70% Herbalife shakes and 30% Raw, fresh and organic fruits and veggies.
So in this you basically replace top 2 heaviest meal with shakes and remaining has to be organic fruits and veggies.
Also not to forget you would need to replace high calorie drink such as Milk, Coffee or tea with Herbalife Tea. The herbal tea used is very nutritious and ignites the metabolism within few days of consumption.
It, therefore, means that you will be able to skip at least two or three meals while using it.
This will indeed promote weight loss and boost your energy levels.
The ultimate weight loss program
Some people have excess weight because of excess blood sugar and excess amino acids in the body.
Under this aggressive program, you consume Herbalife shake and tea by following 80/20 rule.
Under this program you replace all your main course meals with Herbalife shakes for a 10 – 15 days and eat only organic uncooked fruits and veggies.
So your diet would look like this:
- Breakfast: Herbalife Shake
- Between Breakfast and lunch: Herbalife Tea
- Lunch: Fresh veggies and fruits (Uncooked and lots of greens, like a salad)
- Evening: Herbalife Tea
- Dinner: Herbalife Shake
Following this strictly will solve the problem of excess weight within 15 – 20 days.
Having said that don’t continue with this program for longer duration, stop after 15 – 20 days and switch to a high protein low carb diet to maintain the weight.
Herbalife weight loss program can be a little bit confusing, especially for the beginners.
Sometimes too much information on how to follow Herbalife weight loss programs can be over whelming for the beginners.
There is no magic prescription to be followed by everyone for positive results. Sometimes you have to test and do master your body to know exactly what you will be giving it.
Below points can help you to decide where to start
Know your body mass index
The first thing to remember is your body mass index before taking up any weight loss program.
It helps to rate the amount of fat that your body has with your body volume.
It is done by measuring the weight and height of a person.
Knowing your body mass index will help you when setting goals about the weight you want to lose before starting the Herbalife therapy.
If your body mass index falls under 18 to 24, then you are in good body weight condition.
However, this should not discourage you from taking the Herbalife weight loss program as the products involved does not only help to lose excess weight but also helps in maintaining the right level of nutrients in the body.
Doing so will make sure that your body continues to stay healthy.
If your body mass index shows that you are overweight, then you should consider incorporating the Herbalife therapy.
What happens with unhealthy or sedentaric body is that a lot of proteins accumulate over a period of time and gets converted into Fat instead of usable energy. This is where herbalife comes into action.
What Herbalife does is that it gives your body only the amount of proteins and carbs needed to function at its optimum.
In short it forces your body to expel the unused fats and carbs. If you know about ketosis process or Keto diet you would know what I mean to say.
“To accelerate the weight loss process; consider taking 3 cups of aloe Vera concentration daily. Take this therapy while measuring your body mass index daily.”
Increase the water intake
When following any diet plan we tend to ignore the backbone of our plan i.e. Water.
We keep doing Keto Diet, Zero Oil Diet or even juicing diet. What we ignore is the source of life that is water.
Regardless of what diet you follow always make sure you are drinking at least 6 – 8 glasses of water daily. Therefore drink lots of water.
Drinking a lot of water means taking the water that is enough for your body every day.
To get the amount of the water that your body needs, you should calculate your weight and multiply it with 0.07.
Drinking enough water inhibits the formation of fat in the body. Sometimes, fat is accumulated due to deficiency of water in the body. Water becomes extremely important tool to flush out the toxins and excess Fat.
Take your pictures and monitor your weight.
Many people fail in this therapy because of relying on guesswork.
To avoid this, you should take your pictures before starting the Herbalife weight loss program.
You should also measure your weight and record it somewhere.
Furthermore, you should repeat this process after every one week to determine your progress. This will help you to twitch and tweak your current program.
If there are no visible effects then you can always switch to more aggressive plans or do some more dietary changes.
How to use Herbalife for maximum weight loss?
Backbone of any weight loss plan is the diet, therefore I have divided the diet into three parts i.e. Morning, Afternoon and Evening.
The following program is ideal for an average healthy individual.
A) Morning program
1.) Drink water
Once you wake up early in the morning on an empty stomach drink at least 250 to 300 ml water.
Go for at least 30 minutes’ walk.
2.) Drink Herbalife aloe Vera Concentrate
Once you are back from a walk or Jogging drink Aloe Vera Gel mixed with water.
1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel needs to be mixed with 250 ml of water.
Don’t eat or drink anything for an hour.
3.) Drink Herbalife tea
Take half a teaspoon full of herbal tea powder and mix it with a 200 ml cup of water. You can decide to mix with warm or cold water.
Drink it and wait for 30 minutes.
4.) Drink Herbalife formula with one tablet of formula TC
This should be done after 30 minutes of drinking of drinking herbal tea.
Mix one spoon of formula one shake with 250ml water and drink it.
You can add snacks such as oats or fruits so that it can be a healthy breakfast.
While blending, don’t overdo it or you will destroy the nutrients of Formula 1.
B) Afternoon program
1.) Lunch
A bowl of fresh Salads loaded with Green veggies and seasonal fruits.
Drink 250 – 300 ML water after an hour.
2.) Late Noon: Drink Aloe Vera gel
Aloe Vera is Alkaline by nature, therefore drinking Aloe Vera gel alkalizes the body and guess what no diseases can prevail in an Alkalized environment. Therefore drink Aloe Vera gel with water at late noon.
It is essential to stick to this therapy strictly since keeping your body alkalized and tummy happy is also mandatory if you need to achieve the targeted results.
3.) Evening: Drink Herbalife tea
Prepare your Herbalife tea and have it without any fillers or snacks. If you are feeling extremely hungry then consume dry fruits such as almonds or Walnuts.
Even though they are high on fat that shouldn’t worry you as its extremely healthy.
4.) One Tablet of TC formula.
Take One Tablet of TC formula, an hour after you consume herbal tea.
Drink at least 250 – 300 ml water after you consume the Tablet.
Note: Drinking too much herbal tea can bring side effects such as dizziness, sweating and increased heart rate. Therefore its recommended to stick to the recommended dosage of twice or once a day.
C) Night plan
Take your dinner early
It is important to note that dinner should be taken between 6 pm to 7 pm.
You should take food which is less oily and which has a little amount of calories.
Having said that, the food you eat must have more vegetables and plenty of fruits.(If you are following an aggressive plan then consume Herbalife shake at this time).
Drink 250 ml of Plain water
Drink 250 ml of Plain water around 8.30 PM.
If hungry Consume Herbalife shake
Mix One spoon of Herbalife Shake in 250 ml water, mix it well and drink it.
Note: You are not supposed to add protein into this concentration. Consume this drink 30 minutes before bed.
Things to Consider when on Herbalife diet
1.) How much Herbalife shake to take in a day?
For starters, you can take up to 2 times.
For advanced diet, three times a day should be sufficient.
Remember: Between each shakes do not consume any junk food, instead consume fresh veggies, green smoothies if extremely hungry.
Having said that there is nothing wrong if you go on and drink up to 5 shakes per day. But try to be as disciplined as possible for maximum results.
2.) Should you add extra proteins to your shake?
It totally depends on your goal.
While Herbalife alone can fulfil the nutritional needs, you can add extra proteins if you work out and focus on body building.
Or else Herbalife alone is good enough to achieve your weight loss goals.
3.) Avoid Processed food
The main purpose of Herbalife tea is to clean the toxins that you have accumulated in your body for a long time.
Consumption of junk food or food items that are not healthy will ruin the whole process.
4.) Drink Aloe vera Concentrate
It is advisable to consume aloe Vera concentrated solution in recommended amounts initially as it cleans your body from toxins.
When your body is free of toxins, it helps to absorb nutrients more efficiently
When it comes to answering the question of “how to use Herbalife for maximum weight loss? “.
I would say there isn’t a concrete meal plan officially announced. In short there isn’t any right or wrong way to use Herbalife.
The basic idea behind using Herbalife is to cut down the high calorie intake from your regular heavy meals to achieve the desired results.
Herbalife has a lot of positive reviews and it acts as an excellent meal replacement shake.
If you have struggled to lose weight, get yourself the Herbalife shake and implement the above plan or design a plan of your own.
The idea is to get going.
And as you start using Herbalife based on the results monitored by you, you can twitch and tweak your plans that suits you the best.
I personally recommend not to use Herbalife for extended period, using it for 15 – 25 days is Ok.
Beyond that use on and off method. That is, use Herbalife for 20 days give a gap of two months come back to the same plan, until you achieve the desired results.
Once the results are achieved, go back to normal diet, only thing that should change in your normal diet would be to avoid consumption unhealthy food items such as pizza’s and burgers.
A Quick Summary on Using Herbalife for weight loss